Martin O’Malley 3rd Democrat To Launch White House Bid

The Fifth Column

Former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley announces his intention to seek the Democratic presidential nomination in Baltimore on May 30. JIM BOURG / Reuters


Former Governor Martin O’Malley has formally launched his presidential campaign Saturday at a morning rally in Baltimore. The Democratic candidate’s motto is “new leadership,” which can be meant to draw a contrast with Hillary Clinton whose is a decade and a half older than O’Malley and whose husband served two terms as president.

With the backdrop of a divided city based on race and class behind him, O’Malley jumpstarted his campaign on the theme of inclusion.

“This is the urgent work calling us forward today: to rebuild the truth of the American Dream for all Americans. And to begin right now,” O’Malley said.

As president, he vowed comprehensive immigration reform, to reign in Wall Street, to tackle climate change, to allow for union organization, and…

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Let’s Play Star Trek Online KDF Episode 22

Turn the Page

Let’s Play Star Trek Online Klingon Defense Force.  We finish off the episode by battling more Breen and meeting a familiar Klingon.

Let’s Play list for the Federation side:

WordPress site:



As I go through the series, you can give me suggestions for what gear to get, so leave that in the comments.

This material is used under fair use laws, there is no profit made from this and all copyrights are held by their original owners. Star Trek and all likenesses are copyright Paramount Pictures.  Star Trek Online is a licensed product of Cryptic Studios.

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Resuelven el misterio de los ‘fuegos artificiales’ en los agujeros negros – RT

Simbiotica's Blog

Los espectaculares chorros gigantes de gas que son expulsados de las galaxias casi a la velocidad de la luz, se generarían debido a la colisión de dos agujeros negros en el centro de las galaxias, sostiene un equipo de investigadores estadounidenses.


See on Scoop.itSimbiosis entre Filosofía y Ciencia

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Resuelven el misterio de los ‘fuegos artificiales’ en los agujeros negros – RT

Simbiotica's Blog

Los espectaculares chorros gigantes de gas que son expulsados de las galaxias casi a la velocidad de la luz, se generarían debido a la colisión de dos agujeros negros en el centro de las galaxias, sostiene un equipo de investigadores estadounidenses.


See on Scoop.itSimbiosis entre Filosofía y Ciencia

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There is Such a Thing as a Free Lunch!

Sarada Gray

I am writing to you from the wonderful haven that is our sun lounge. When I was a kid, my grandparents had a sun lounge and it was the best place to hang out, especially on days when the wind was cruel but the sun was kind. Today is such a day, and to be in the conservatory, as Mark calls it, is very heaven.  This morning we failed utterly to find a climate change event (maybe the climate changed and they went home) and so did the Peace Café instead. Then we mooched around the shops and found a great deli/cafe at the top of Silver Arcade, passing time until 12.30 when the main event was happening.

We only found out about this on Thursday: called the Junk Food Cafe, it takes food supermarkets would otherwise throw away, makes it into lunch and serves it for the price of…

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There is Such a Thing as a Free Lunch!

Sarada Gray

I am writing to you from the wonderful haven that is our sun lounge. When I was a kid, my grandparents had a sun lounge and it was the best place to hang out, especially on days when the wind was cruel but the sun was kind. Today is such a day, and to be in the conservatory, as Mark calls it, is very heaven.  This morning we failed utterly to find a climate change event (maybe the climate changed and they went home) and so did the Peace Café instead. Then we mooched around the shops and found a great deli/cafe at the top of Silver Arcade, passing time until 12.30 when the main event was happening.

We only found out about this on Thursday: called the Junk Food Cafe, it takes food supermarkets would otherwise throw away, makes it into lunch and serves it for the price of…

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