The market place rules.

Dominance Games

The market place rules.

The market place rules.

It demands that education be cheap and perfunctory, a baby sitting service run by those who are there to make a profit.  It demands prisons be full so that those who run them can be there to make a profit.  It demands that police be few so that no money is wasted on the useless neighborhoods where crime may flourish.  There is no profit there.

The market place rules.

It demands that politics be a game of those bought and sold and that with ownership goes privilege.  It demands that information and ideas be meted out freely and that eyeballs are made to be distracted and that societal discourse be a large game of constant cumbaya ….. lets salve the weary minds and bodies of the stuck, put upon wayfarers just trying to get through the night.  There is no power with them…

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Haas & Hahn: How Painting Can Transform Communities


A while back, I blogged Favela Painting: Give the People a Voice.

What do we do about society’s perception?

To quote the original video that you can find here: “…although these communities cover nearly every hillside of the city, this somehow did not seem to be considered a legitimate part of it.  They were feared, endured constant negative portrayal in the media, and suffered under heavy conflicts between drug gangs and police.  Self-built and self-organized, to us the favela seemed to be full of creativity and hope.  This made us think, then suddenly we had a crazy idea.  What if we could paint all these houses in the communities into unifying designs.  It could make the neighbourhood look more beautiful and as for attention: in a positive way.  You could make people stop and look…and show the outside world what proud and vibrant communities favelas really are.”


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Red Nose Reality

Writing and Reflections


He saw it by the dusty curb

dull and discarded

Slipping it into his pocket

he headed home

Turning the key in the door with the faded numbers

He announced his arrival

in this place beneath the neon light

that flashed “Weekly”

His sister sat criss-crossed

on a carpet that hosted too many shoes

as her own tennis shoes, holes in the soles

lay discarded in the corner by a stack of school books

Hunger abated, at least this night,

she recounted stories of others

who joined her in that small room

shuffling in line for their daily meal

A blaring old television

taunted them with visions of hope

as those who never knew cold

pledged allegiance to the cause

He pulled that red nose from his pocket

and affixed it to his face

His sister’s infectious laughter

combatting their struggle for a sweet moment

As the millions raised their…

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You may have noticed by now that I rarely… if ever… ‘like’ a comment…

Pouring My Art Out

That doesn’t mean I don’t like your comment. I actually go to the trouble of replying to them. Yes, I admit that my replies are sometimes just;


oh, yeah…






Or they might consist of any of my soon-to-be-patented sliding scale of;













(All of which are designed to replace the annoying ‘LOL’ that I hate so much… I did a post about that… don’t blame me if you weren’t around when I did it)…

Clicking a button to simulate ‘liking’ something seems to me to sum up everything that is wrong with modern life… sort of like typing ‘LOL’ does… HA!!!!!… oh… wait… did I forget to tell you about HA!!!!!… with 5 exclamation marks?… that is like the highest compliment I can give… that means you literally made me laugh out loud……

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Los Angeles and Seattle Minimum Wage Hikes


Earlier this week the Los Angeles city council voted 14 to 1 to raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour incrementally over the next several years.  Labor organizers and other minimum wage advocates say the increase isn’t coming fast enough.  Los Angeles area business advocates say that most small to medium business don’t have enough profit margin to absorb a 50 percent increase in the cost of labor on any shorter timeline.

Seattle has already passed such a law and the first incremental increase came last month, in April.  While some minimum wage employees in Seattle say that they are seeing an increase in their paychecks and that this is improving their lives, it’s only temporary.  Soon, if not right away, the businesses that depend on minimum wage labor will raise their prices, or cut hours and benefits, to compensate for the increased labor cost.  We are…

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